Good resources and precedents for construction details
ليكم مجموعة من المواقع التي تضم عدة تفاصيل انشائية اوتوكاد و تم رسمها من مصادر مختلفة وتم تجميعها، و محتواها يشمل كل ما يخص الكتير من المحاور لتفاصيل انشائية و ما يرتبط بها من تفاصيل الاعمد,الجدران الحمالة ,الاساسات بانواعها,البلاطات والفتحات و ستجد أيضا فيه العديد من التفاصيل الانشائية للادراج والعناصر مسبقة الاجهاد :
Good resources and precedents for construction details are hard to find. I’ve put together some of the most useful resources .
Technical_drawings : Beautiful site to download the operational details of the concrete structures
Go to ACDs : These details are to help the construction industry achieve the performance standards required to demonstrate compliance with the energy efficiency requirements of Part L of the Building Regs. They include details for Steel Frame, Timber Frame, Masonry Cavity, Masonry Internal and Masonry External. All downloadable pdf’s, very useful to keep in your own reference library.
Apacad CAD
Downloading CAD Details
CAD details are available in DWG, DWF, DXF and PDF format. When you locate the detail you want, just click one of the four file format buttons to download it to your computer.
Go to Decra
Decra offer lightweight tiling systems, very useful website with downloadable brochures, guides, and once again details in pdf and cad format.